Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I Failed My First Driving Lesson!!!

Just to prevent some legal action, I didn't really drive. I was just posing for a picture in the driveway. I was posing for mommy. I was going for the look like this was the first time that I wasn't able to acomplish something. I failed my first driving test and don't I look so defeated. The good news is that I have a long life ahead of me to acomplish whatever I want to and thus far have been successful in everything I have tried to acomplish. My alphabet is old news. I routinely say my alphabet just for fun. Now instead of just saying the letters, I say "A is for Apple, B is for Banana, ..." and so on. I have successfully counted to 50 with daddy and can probably count even higher by now. I'm learning my manners. I sometimes say please when I ask for things. I have gained quite a vocabulary and it continues to grow every day. I have many of my books memorized and often finish the sentences when they are read to me. I have learned the word no and know how to use it. I keep mommy and daddy laughing all day long. I'll add some more of my accomplishments when I think of them. For now, enjoy the attached pictures. The first one is me scooting around the house a I like to do on my bike. Mommy and daddy take me off the vent for a little while so that I can roam around and be free. I like to purposefully ram into things because I like the loud noise. The second picture is me and mommy at the park. Mommy and daddy try to get me out of the house as much as they can. Soon it will be cold and there won't be as many chances. The third and fourth pictures are of daddy teaching me how to stand. I can bear a lot of weight on my legs but am still working on the upper body coordination. The fifth picture is me smiling big as daddy holds me high in the air. In the next two, mommy let me get my hands on some scotch tape. I hope you get a couple of laughs out of these ones, I do! The last one is me snuggling with daddy as he sings to me. I am such a snuggler, I give lots of love every day. No wonder I am so tired at the end of the day. Thank you all for keeping up with my progress. I hope I have a lot more to report to you nekt time. Take care!

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