Tuesday, November 28, 2006


8 Days Till My First Birthday (11 Till My Birthday Party)

Hello Family and Friends!

Can you believe that my First Birthday is just around the corner!? I am very excited to be turning One Year Old and can’t wait for the celebration that Mommy and Daddy have been planning for me! Unfortunately, because I want to stay as healthy as possible during this cold season, I am only having a small Grown Up party. I wish I could have each and every one of you to my birthday celebration, but Mommy and Daddy don’t think it is a good idea. So, with the help of my Daddy, I have come up with a solution!

Simply visit my BLOG on the day of my Birthday Party and watch as I open a few gifts and smash my birthday cake! For one day only, everyone will be able to see Lilicam, no password needed. I know that not everyone has a computer, but this was the best idea I could come up with. I know time is short, but get together with your families and have a celebration of your own. Just make sure it is with someone who has a computer.

At 5:00pm on December 9, 2006 log onto our family BLOG site:
http://www.davidrobertloveland.blogspot.com/ The camera may be online sooner, but gifts and cake will take place around 5pm. If you’re lucky I may stay up late and you can continue to watch me for a while.

I hope that you can join me for my BLOG birthday party! Thank you for all your love and support. I continue to get so big and strong, Mommy and Daddy tell me that I am amazing!!

Hugs and Kisses-
Liliana Sue

Mommy and Daddy are absolutley right Liliana - You are AMAZING!!! We can't wait for your birthday party either. Mommy has lots of surprises in store for you.
You are going to be one spoiled little princess!
We love you,
Papa and Nana
I can't believe you will be ONE!!!!!!You are sooo big! I have some super-fab presents for you and I can't wait to give them to you! See you tomorrow for our own "date night"!!!I am going to sleep right now so I have lots of energy to play. Your mom and dad probably have lots of shopping to do for your fun party!! I miss you!!
P.S. Tell your mom and dad they are so clever having a blog-party. What a great idea, now everyone can see you smash your cake!!
Lili, I absolutely can't wait til your birthday party day. I can't view you on Lilicam and I'm going through withdrawals. I miss watching you kick and play. But guess what? Nana and Papa got your birthday invitation and it has the most perfect picture of your beautiful little face. It will have to do until the big day! Love you sweet angel!
Hi Lili! Your Daddy is so clever in having a blog birthday party for you. Can you believe that we are going to be one? This year has flown by. We have your present picked out, and no I can't tell you what it is. I think that you will like it though. I miss seeing you on Lilicam right now. I am getting ready for bed now so I am a little cranky, but I will write more when I get a chance. Love and miss you so much!!

I got your party invitation today and it is adorable as I anticipated!!! Can't wait for the big day, it seems like the time has gone by far too quickly!!! I miss seeing you on Lili cam and can't wait to see you in person!!!

Aunt Stacey
Hi people
I do not know what to give for Christmas of the to friends, advise something ....
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