Monday, December 18, 2006


Liliana, Takin' Over or Waitin' Till Older

I tried to help Liliana make her own post on the BLOG this morning. She was very excited, but things did not work out the way I hoped. I brought my laptop into her room and set it down in front of her. Immediately she began pounding on it with her hand. Unfortunately, the keyboard is set just a little bit too far back from the front of the laptop for her to effectively hit the letters. She was able to hit the space bar a lot, but I didn't think that would make a very good post so I omitted it. Next I figured, she likes to kick and move her legs, why not try and put it under her feet. Instead of pushing on the keys, she was pushing on the front of the laptop trying to roll over. She was doing so good at rolling over this morning. All the way onto her side with no assistance. Not quite able to roll all the way over yet. Anyway, I think she might still be a little to young to take over the blog and publish her own posts. You all have to put up with me for a while longer.

Other developments: Now that the birthday is said and done, Lili says she really doesn't feel any older. We continue to sit her up every day to help strengthen her neck and back. As you read above, she is starting to roll onto her side all by herself. She switched over to a big girl formula the other day. Her sleeping schedule is out of control again. The other night, she didn't fall asleep until 10pm, woke up from 4-6am, and woke up for the day just before 8am. We had a doctor visit the other day. When we got to the office, we were told that he isn't at that office anymore even though that is where they told us to go. We did not get to see the doctor that day and now have to wait until min january. Lili got lots of nice birthday gifts and cards and she thanks you all very much. That is all I can think of for now, I will post some pics when I get a chance.

Lili, you'll be pounding on those keys before we know it. You keep working on rolling over. I don't know what you're going to do when you finally make it all the way over, but we'll all be pretty excited when you do!
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