Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hurry Up Spring!!!

Alright winter, move over! I'm ready to get out and have some fun! Not only is it too cold to go out, but winter colds are affecting my life indoors as well. I just got over another illness and have had enough already!!! I had some kind of stomach illness for almost a week. Vomiting and diarrhea are no fun and had me so worn down that I could barely stand on my own, and didn't even really want too. I did a lot of sleeping, reading, sitting around playing games, and watching TV. I'm glad it's over and hope I never go through that gain. Anyway, I'm better now and hoping every day for warm weather so Daddy and I can go out and fly a kite.

As you can see by my adorable pictures, I continue to strengthen every day. I'm up and around and very active. The first picture is me and daddy lounging around after a long day of play. I'm still such a snuggler and thrive on mommy and daddy's love and affection. Picture 2 is an action shot. It is one of my favorite activities. It's called flopping and it is so much fun. First you get yourself a couple of big pillows and then you flop. Some times I even flop on mommy and daddy. I still like to practice my ballerina moves as you can see in image 3. Picture 4...I still love to read. I read my own books these days. Grandma was probably reading to me in the above picture, but a lot of times I will read my own books to mommy and daddy. Grandma and grandpa K. bought me a dress up costume as you can see in image 5 & 6. How cute am I!!!

Image 7, just lounging around again and looking so pretty. Pic 8...Look at my beautiful hair. I'm a whiz at using the computer these days. I'm still learning a few things but wireless routing is no problem for me. I surf the web and probably use up more bandwidth than mommy and daddy combined. I'm still working on writing my letters as you can see in images 9,10,12,13.

Picture 11...I always have to have my tongue on something. Daddy tries to copy me by touching the same things with his tongue and I think it is absolutely hilarious. Pic 13...I've learned how to write a lot of my letters but still need to work on a few. Daddy wrote the word parrot and asked me i knew how. You can see my attempt is spot on. The only thing I was unsure about were the r's. Daddy made the little boxes for me to write in because I like to make big letters and the whole word would have never fit on the board. Look how well I stayed in the boxes.

Pictures 14 and 15 are from valentines day. I got all kinds of neat things but was more interested in wearing my basket on my head. Picture 16 shows a snowman mommy helped me make. We had lots of fun making it. I think together we are the most creative people in the world. I know it seams like I lounge around a lot, but really I am very active most of the day. Pictures 17 and 18 are me lounging around again and hanging out with the cat. She's such a silly cat, I can't even begin to tell you how sill she is.

Images 19 and 20, trying to make some money for the family. I'm working on my artistic skills in the hopes of selling some of my creations some day. Mommy popped some popcorn for me one day. It was so fun to watch coming out of the popper. Even more fun was making a mess with it. You can see the results in the next two images. I want to be just like my parents when I grow up. You can see how I want to be like my daddy in the next two images. We were looking at venus through daddy's binoculars and I decided to get out my own and see what I could see. Of course, everything looks so small in mine. Daddy says it's because I always look through them backwards, I tend to disagree and keep doing it my way.

I don't know how I got it in my head but I've been talking about flying a kite with daddy all winter long. Daddy found me an awesome kite and we are waiting for the weather to warm up so we can see what all the fuss is about. I was so excited when daddy showed me the kite that I didn't know what to say. I ran around wide eyed talking 100 miles per hour. Doesn't it look so awesome!

Lili you are adorable as usual and getting good at soo many things- reading, writing, drawing and of course making messes as shown in your "popcorn" picture- What fun to be 3!!!

Love to you from all of us!
Zach, Hannah and Kaylee
Lili, it looks like you have so much fun each and every day.
Nana and Papa miss you very much.
It has been such a long time since we've seen you. We are so thankful that you write such detailed journals and post so many pictures.
We love you and can't wait to give you your Easter present!!!
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